

About NetAP > People

Many people volunteer for NetAP and thus for the animals. They use their extensive expertise, vast experience, and spare time to commit themselves professionally and with great passion to animal welfare. They work behind the scenes and/or on the field. Annually, over 25,000 hours of volunteer work are contributed.

Without these people, we would not be able to continuously be there where the suffering is great and where our help sustainably improves the lives of the animals. Therefore, our sincere thanks goes to them!

NetAP’s board

Years of experience in animal welfare both domestically and internationally, a lot of passion, and a high level of professionalism characterize the board members. All board members carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.

The Advisory Board of NetAP

The advisory board consists of renowned veterinary experts who accompany the activities of NetAP and contribute to ensuring that they not only reflect the current state of veterinary science but also enable NetAP to take a leading role and set an example in veterinary matters related to animal welfare.


Zahlreiche Freiwillige sind laufend für NetAP im Einsatz. Einige von ihnen haben fest zugeteilte Aufgaben, andere engagieren sich unregelmässig in verschiedenen Bereichen, aber mit ebensoviel Herzblut. Sie setzen ihr Fachwissen, ihre Erfahrung und ihre Zeit für den Tierschutz ein und scheuen sich dabei nicht vor Unwegsamkeiten.

Veterinarians and Veterinary Assistants (VA)

Many veterinarians and veterinary assistants from Switzerland and Europe regularly volunteer for NetAP. Without the voluntary work of these highly competent and dedicated professionals, it would not be possible for us to achieve so much good for the animals.

Alleviate current animal suffering and prevent future misery: your donation makes it possible!