

Achieving great things together! The Teaming micro-donation platform makes this possible.

With just one euro per month, you can become part of our teaming group and help provide the necessary financial resources for animals in need. So that we can rescue animals from seemingly hopeless situations and provide them with the help they urgently need.

Become a teamer and join our teaming group!

On our missions, we repeatedly come across animals in distress that require immediate action to rescue them. Such individual fates and rescues are not only time-consuming, but also very costly. Medical care and accommodation in particular cause considerable costs in the long term. For the individual animal, however, it is almost always a matter of life or death.

In such cases, we act quickly and unbureaucratically. We rely on your donations so that we can continue to help such animals directly in the future. With just 1 euro per month, you can support us and therefore many animals in need through Teaming. Every euro counts!

Alleviate current animal suffering and prevent future misery: your donation makes it possible!